Thursday, August 5, 2010


Fly along side me...
For I will make your hopes and dreams come true.
Give me nothing but your loyalty...
And my heart will forever belong to you.
Love me hard but still so gently...
And I'll give you life and it'll never be empty.
Rest your head beside me...
And I will complete all your hearts desires.
Give yourself to me...
And I will Cherish you for eternity.


To feel love is to feel pain...
To grow passion is to become insane...
To have a peace of mind is to let love last...
Allowing to let love last is knowing that you truly grew at heart...
To let your heart beat again is to live your life for love...
No matter what, love is always there...
It is what gives you strength to get up in the morning and what allows you to calmly fall fast asleep...
Love yourself and one day love will find you...
To have a broken heart is to let the world know that you dared to love a love that was lost...
And in hope that love will come again by the same... or with a change...
                      Let love last...