Tuesday, November 24, 2009

if dats not luv i don't kno what is

he tells me he luvs me all da time. he tells me he'll stand by me almost every single day. he supports me even if he knos i'll fail. he'll stare into my eyes until i start laughin and i'll tell him he's makin me feel uncomfortable lol. he'll sit there and help me until i am free from my stress... and when i'm sick he'll find a way to make me feel better knoin he'll b sick right after. when i cry he'll hold me and cry with me so that i wont feel alone. if dats not luv i don't kno what is... he knos wen somethin is wrong wit me even if i don't say nothin. wen i feel upset he'll let me play his x box 360 and so i can kill ppl on gears of war... jus so dat i can feel some what better lol ( all dis is true by da way)
i luv u papi ur da reason i can still breathe... muahz


  1. whew! really nluv huh?!..hehe..
    it's really an escape 2 hav sum1 hu'l b der wen d world turns u down..
    btw, visit my oder site sum tyms..it's a lonely site of love.

    keep posting

  2. aww omg im this made me cry thinkin of my own first love and our 2 & 1/2 year relationship keep writing its a nice blog
    be sure to check out my blog for a shout out!!!
